Emotional Intelligence (EI), often called Emotional Quotient (EQ), is the most typical but strong source and force for recognizing, and understanding, how to manage and use emotions effectively in Self Implementation and on others. Cognitive intelligence (IQ), on the other hand, measures intellectual abilities, EI focuses on emotional and social competencies.
Denial Goleman’s Model is one of the best models where he has highlighted the five components of emotional intelligence-
1. Self Awareness
2. Self Management
3. Self Motivation
4. Empathy
5. Social Skills
1. Self Awareness:
This Component accurately perceives one’s own emotions and indicates self to keep away from the harmful state of mind. It enhances the triggers and behavioral patterns, recognizes the thoughts that flow TO and FRO from one state of mind to another, and knows the strengths and weaknesses and the level of self-confidence.
2. Self Management :
How to manage emotions, Control one’s self and behavioral changes, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, feelings, and habits, take initiatives to accomplish commitments, and Adapt to the environments falls under Self-regulation. By applying Self Management techniques one can improve personal and professional life.
3. Self Motivation:
Motivating one’s inner self beyond materialistic desires and accomplishments. It is purely for achievement towards satisfaction and Perseverance. Intransic -dealing with the Internal motivation of an individual and extransic Motivation deals with the external motivation of the individual are the two self-sustaining techniques of Motivation.
4. Empathy:
This Empathy is used to understand the emotions of others and help them according to their Emotional Intelligence and reactions by building rapport with their relationships which in turn responds to healthy bonds in people and places.
5. Social Skills:
These skills are used for effective communication and interaction between groups and individuals. This is used for Inspiring Leadership, influencing others, Managing conflicts, teamwork, and collaborations.
Intransic and Extransic Motivation:
Intransic motivation comes from within the individual. It involves engaging in an activity for its own sake because it is inherently enjoyable or satisfying. For example, you might read a book because you love learning, or play a musical instrument because you find it fulfilling.
Extransic Motivation:
Extransic motivation, on the other hand, comes from external factors. It involves performing an activity to earn a reward or avoid a punishment. For instance, you might study to get a good grade or work to receive a pay check
Along with Dinel Goleman’s model there are various other models are used for Emotional Intelligence which are as follows:
1. Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I)- This self-report measure evaluates a wide range of emotional and social competencies, including self-perception, stress- -management, and interpersonal relationships and this is a tool made by Psicothema.
2. Mayer Salovey -Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)- This ability-based test measures how well individuals can perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions mainly used for Research purposes and was a perfect tool made by Mayer & Salovey.
3. Emotional Intelligence Appraisal (EIA)- This tool was created by Dr . Travis Bradberry and Dr. Jean Greaves, this Self-report test assesses emotional intelligence based on emotional Intelligence 2.0.
4. Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WEIS)- This scale was developed by Wong & Law, K.S. which measures emotional intelligence through self-report and is widely used in both academic and organizational contexts.
5. Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)- This tool is curated by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis, this 360-degree assessment tool evaluates emotional and social competencies in the workplace.
6. Emotional Capital Report (ECR)- This tool is developed by Roche Martin, to assess Emotional Intelligence in the Context of leadership and provides a detailed report with an EQ score and an action plan for improvement.
7. Trait Model (Petrides)- This is curated by Petrides and this emphasizes the behavioral disposition and self-perceived abilities, often measured trough through self-report questionnaires, and focus on individual characteristics.
8. Ability Model – This model was developed by Mayer &Salovey, this model deals with emotional intelligence as a standard intelligence, focusing on the individual ability to process emotional information and use it to navigate the social environment.
9. Mixed Approaches – Daniel Goleman developed this trait by combining both the ability and trait aspects, including vide range of competencies and skills that drive leadership performance, emphasizing the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace.
Though there are various models of Emotional Intelligence there are basic benefits individual may have on personal and professional level:
o Improvement in Relationships
o Betterment in Handling Stress Management
o Enhancing Leadership Skills
o Success in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in shaping our lives, as it helps us understand and manage our emotions effectively. By fostering empathy, EI strengthens our ability to build meaningful connections and maintain healthy relationships, both personally and professionally. It enhances self-awareness, enabling us to recognize our strengths and identify areas for growth. For leaders, EI is a powerful tool to inspire and motivate their teams, fostering a positive and productive environment. Overall, developing EI is a lifelong journey that significantly contributes to mental well-being and success in various aspects of life.
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